The Basics of Crime Scene Clean-up

After the detectives finish reconstructing a blow-by-blow of the events of a violent crime, the crime scene cleaners come in. Death can be a messy affair and not just anybody can meet the rigorous demands of crime scene cleaning, save for the select few trauma and bio-hazard cleaners like the team from Midwest Remediation. In this article, we’d like to share the general process of cleaning up places where people have passed on or in which they have had accidents.
A typical crime scene clean-up goes through the following general phases:
Bulk Cleaning – In this phase, cleaners perform large-scale cleaning work. The CDC lists anything from the human body as a bio-hazard and so anything that has been touched by a person’s biological matter needs to be isolated and removed. The techs remove fluids and take away contaminated things from the site. Although the coroner may have already removed the remains, its organic matter may have already spread over a wide area in a crime or trauma scene. In cases of unattended deaths, for example, liquefaction of the body may have set in and seeped into the wooden baseboards of the floor. Cleaners remove every tainted item and then tear the wood where the stream of pathogens settled. Drywalls stained by blood or bits of biological matter are also removed. The workers also make sure to remove all of the insects that proliferate in the area.
Basic Cleaning and Disinfection – Once all the contaminated items have been excised from the place, the cleaners proceed on a more targeted cleaning of the remaining items in the room and the room itself. Once everything is clear, the team uses medical facility-grade disinfectants that kill remaining pathogens in the room.
Extraction and Incineration – The cleaners bag bio-hazard materials into bags and then transport them out of the site in their company vehicles. They drive to incineration facilities that safely burn every tainted material so they don’t infect other people.
A remediation company replaces every piece of the room or the home that the cleaners removed once the project is finished. Professional work guarantees that friends and family members of the deceased do not have to find physical evidence to remind them of the incident.
In the event that you need help with this kind of clean-up in the Indianapolis, IN area, please rely on Midwest Remediation to provide you with sanitized and professional results. We also offer conventional remediation services like water and fire damage restoration, mold remediation, and commercial restoration. Midwest Remediation is your true emergency services company you can contact at (317) 826-0940 and email through any contact form on this site. We’ll be there for you and with you through any kind of disaster.